Monday, March 1, 2010

Wait a minute...or so

Wait: to stay in place in expectation of

Waiting: to look forward expectantly

These definitions totally fit my life right now. I'm waiting.
Waiting to find out if I really have gotten into Regent College (called today, they'll let me know by next week).
Waiting for my Sabbatical to be officially approved (although I thought it had been - will find out tomorrow what the hold up is).
Waiting till March 23 for Southwest Airlines schedule to open up so I can book my return flight because if I don't I won't be allowed into Canada...(I can see the headlines now, "InterVarsity Staff Detained At Canadian Border" that would be something to blog about!)
Waiting to hear back about potential housing with a girl I've never met being set by a woman I've never met by a connection with a friend that I haven't seen in years.
Now if you know anything about me, you know that I'm not a huge fan of waiting. I like to have a plan and I like to more forward as quickly as possible. Maybe it's a fear of missing out if I don't more quickly enough. Maybe it's that I am impatient. Maybe I like adventure and new things and so I want to Whatever it is I've got the feeling God is trying to teach me something. He always has me waiting.
For the past year and a half my life verse has been "Wait on the Lord, be strong, take heart and Wait on the Lord." psalm 27
Ok God, I'm gonna wait on you. My flight to Vancouver has been purchased in faith that all this is going to work out. I know that it will. It's crazy but I knew I was supposed to go ahead and purchase it.
My friend Maritza reminded me today that God's already working it out. I know that he is!
So hear I sit, waiting expectantly of what's to come, trusting that it's all gonna work out. I wait on you God; in you- in my weakness, I am strong. My heart needs your help to be patient. I wait on you.

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