Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate

There are moments that I have really questioned why I am here. Moments where I waiver between love and hate. Sometimes it's a very thin line between the two...
*I love the people I have met here ---- I hate the incredible loneliness I have felt at times.
*I love the freedom I have to do whatever I want whenever I want to do it ---- I hate not having a set schedule of things to do sometimes.
*I love how beautiful Vancouver is ---- I hate when it's cold and rainy
*I love the amazing conversations and times that Tim and I have ---- I hate when things are unresolved.
*I love learning how to rest ---- I hate when I feel restless.
*I love love trying to trust completely in God and His timing ---- I hate sitting in the unknown.

In the midst of this love and hate I have met with Jesus. I've laughed, cried, sang, screamed, delighted and despaired with Him. I've grown, wrestled, fought, laughed and cried with Tim. I've wondered, prayed, dreamed, fantasized, and prayed some more about what's next in my life. I've been really glad I've come to Vancouver on Sabbatical and really questioned why I'm here. But one thing I know, I have no regrets. I have been meeting with God on good days, bad days, laughing and crying - sometimes simultaneously. It's been a journey and God's not through with me yet...Thank Goodness!