Friday, June 25, 2010

Onions and Pineapples

I feel like my life lately has been much like an onion. Layers have been stripped away. You think that you're done and there are more layers to go. I bought an onion about 2 weeks ago. It's like the ever lasting onion. It's made it's way into sandwiches, salads, stirfrys, and quesidilla's. There is still a bit more to go. For me it's been a stripping, a revealing and an unmasking. I feel like my true and false self's are in a sparring match and very sharp pruning scissors are the weapon of choice. But it's freeing, scary, painful, exposing and wonderful all at once.

I feel like my life lately is like a pineapple. Beautiful and intriguing to look at, a little tricky and prickly to handle and impossible to really enjoy unless you cut off the top layer. It's underneath the other exterior that you get the sweetness and the true taste of the pineapple.

There is something about unmasking that makes the falsehood not so appealing anymore. We can carry around an onion and pineapple all day everyday, but it's in the peeling back the layers and the cutting off of the exterior that causes us to enjoy them for the ways they were created to be enjoyed.

Grilled for both is my favorite...

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