Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mariachi Memories

I waited for the bus for 45 minutes yesterday. I wanted the 44. One passed by and just didn't stop. The other lady that was waiting with me and I just stood there stunned. I don't know what happened but it took 45 min for another 44 to come. So much for being on time for my lunch date with Minh...
Finally I got down town and we ate amazing Vietnamese food at a very popular spot. Noodles, pork, cut up spring rolls all mixed up in a tangy fish mouth waters just thinking about it. We talked about life, living in Vancouver, dating, Regent. She's an American in Canada, married a Canadian too. I was so grateful for the warm conversation. It was her lunch break so we only got an hour, which seemed to go by quickly.
As we walked back towards her work I checked my bus ticket. I had 5 minutes to make it with out having to buy another one. Good, cause I was out of cash and bus tickets. I got the bus right on time, but as we started to pull away I heard a familiar sound and something caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that made me signal that the next stop was mine. I knew it was a risk, not having another bus ticket, but it was a risk I was willing to take. I jumped off the bus, ran into the corner store to by more bus passes and went to find what I was looking for.
Where were they? They were standing on the corner playing a minute ago? I stood and listened intently. I followed the music. I came around the corner and there they were; a full fledged Mariachi band. There was something familiar about them that drew me in. I followed them for a block, smiling, laughing and almost crying. I'm not sure what came over me. I don't even like Mariachi music that much. But there was a feeling of home connected to it that I just couldn't shake. Maybe I was feeling a twinge of home sickness, I'm not sure. After a picture and a quick video shot, I turned around, caught my bus and went hang up curtains with Nitra.

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