Here it is, 2012. Can you believe how quickly 2011 went by. It seems like yesterday I was ringing in the New Year in Tampa with friends...oh wait, that was yesterday...I guess it's an annual thing now, hope to keep up the tradition. This year I got to dance the night away with Michael Jackson and a little bubbly...the sparkling cider kind that is. The Michael Jackson Experience kept us movin and groovin the night away. Too bad I left my camera in the car.
I spent time yesterday reflecting month by month on what happened in 2011. There were some joyous moments: Redeeming conversation with an old boyfriend, Road trip with Karisse, Poland, time with family and friends, hosting and directing our regions first Black student conference. Some hard times: My Aunt Corine passing in January, Papaw passing in September, Rough time with roommates and friends, serious spiritual attack and a lot of doubt and anxiety with work.
Over all, it was a year of very mixed emotions. Some real highs and some real lows. But I wouldn't change anything because I'm realizing that God sets everything up for a reason and there is a chance to learn in grow. Whether in moments of laughter or tears there is something significant happening.
In 2012 I have two hopes.
1. That I would fully embrace the season that I'm in and be settled in God's will for me to be in Austin for the next 3 years.
2. I would become more fully aware of my gifts, talents and flaws and work on them in order to become more fully who I am.
I could say I want to eat better, work out more, explore more of Austin, spend more time with Jesus and even fall in love and get married in 2012, find the perfect community to live with, travel more, work to be fully funded, etc. If I had resolutions those would be on there, however realistic or unrealistic they may be. But the bottom line is I want 2012 to be a year of days. Taking each day at a time learning to fall more in love with Jesus, asking him to guide me, shed light where light needs to shine and trusting Him more. It is said that if I seek first His Kingdom everything else falls into place. So Lord, your face I seek.
Beautiful, my friend. :)