Sunday, March 20, 2011


Celebrating Munirah's Birthday!!!
I've decided to take a brief hiatus from the internet this week. As a form of fasting I will not be on facebook, blogger, or any other internet website. I am going to attempt to limit my email checking to 2x's a day, as soon as I get to the office and about an hour before I leave for the day. Wish me luck and  don't miss me too much, haha!!  I'll leave you with a couple of pictures from my weekend adventures including SXSW!!

Love these ladies!

When in Austin...

Franks, a gourmet Hot Dog joint downtown Austin

Spit that rhythm!  (Taken at SXSW)

The men of Horn Bread (taken at SXSW)


This little side walk backwoods country band was jammin!

Best way to get discovered at South by Southwest right here!

Waiting for the train to come

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