My butt was numb and legs were stiff by the time we arrived at Subway for a quick lunch. I'll get used to it...someday.
But the ride was worth it. Once we pulled up to Pit Lake I knew that it was going to be a day to remember. Lush green grass, a crystal clear lake, tall snow capped mountain, clear blue sky with warm sun shining. We met up with Mark (one of Tim's closest friends) and his sister Mallory. Mark and his wife has bought a canoe a few weeks before and we were the second of many adventures. Talk of a waterfall about a hour down the river made my heart beat with excitement. These are the days that I live for. Beauty, adventure, friends. It's so life giving.
Mallory and I were "chauffeured" down the river. Conversation ebbed and flowed with pauses to take in the scenery around us. The water was clear and in some places shallow. There was the occasional running aground, but we quickly set off again. The guys did an amazing job.
Finally we arrived at our destination. A camp site that marked the beginning of a trail up to rapids and waterfalls. The hike wasn't bad, strenuous in places, but relatively easy. Tim did it all wearing slip on sandals (I was impressed!). We laughed a lot, sang crazy camp songs, helped each other a long the way. Tim and I went up ahead of Mark and Mallory to do a little exploring on our own and find the water fall. We didn't make it up to the very top, but what we found was worth it!
Afterward we headed over to Krista's house for a bonfire. There I got to meet Krista, Natasha and Cam, Naomi and Sean, a few others. These are some of Tim's best friends...I think they like me :)
Anyway, enjoy the pictures!!

Beautiful. These pics look like you're in a movie about camping. Not on a real camping trip. :)