In 54 days I'll officially be on sabbatical from my job with InterVarsity and headed to the beautiful west coast of Canada, Vancouver British Columbia to be exact.
I've wanted to go to Canada for a while...ever since seeing the O Canada movie at Epcot....cheesy and stereo typical as it was, it made me want to visit my northern neighbors. Many times since coming on staff with InterVarsity I've thought about going to Regent College, in Vancouver and hoped maybe one day I would get to take a few classes there. But never would I have dreamed it would be now and for 6 months! Oh, and yes, classes at Regent are registered for.
To say that I am excited is an understatement. I gotta tell you, watching the Olympics makes me want to get there even soon. It's so beautiful. But more than the beauty of the city, I've got someone special up there waiting for me to come which makes the anticipation even greater.
For now Tim and I must settle for phone, Skype and watching the Olympics but soon we'll get to be in the same city...for more than 2 weeks...what an adventure this will be!
My hope is that sabbatical will be a time of rest, reflection, deeper intimacy with God, finding out more about myself and discernment about my future (both with my job and relationship).
My hope for this blog is that it will be an outlet for creativity, everyday musings and the crazy adventures that are ensuing upon us.
There is much to be done between now and April 12. I still need to find housing, buy plane tickets, change banking, write donors, and the list goes on! But I trust it'll all get taken care of and it'll be well worth it all...